Medic român din Franța despre CORONAVIRUS : Contactul prelungit cu cineva bolnav crește probabilitatea de a fi infectat. Dacă doar treci pe stradă pe lângă un bolnav, probabilitatea e practic zero
VENICE, ITALY – MARCH 06: A waiter stands in the deserted Piazza San Marco on March 06, 2020 in Venice, Italy. Venice is deserted because of COVID-19, yesterday, March 5, a third person died in the city due to the COVID-19 virus. The latest Civil Protection bulletin talks about 3,858 COVID-19 positives, 148 people died and 414 have recovered in Italy. (Photo by Stefano Mazzola/Awakening/Getty Images)Spectators’ seats are seen empty as sumo wrestlers hold a Dohyo ring entering ceremony at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament which is taking place behind closed doors amid the spread of coronavirus, in Osaka, western Japan, March 8, 2020, in this photo taken by Kyodo. Mandatory credit Kyodo/via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS. THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. JAPAN OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN JAPAN. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – RC2MFF9WMLKCVENICE, ITALY – MARCH 06: Two gondoliers play with a cat on March 06, 2020 in Venice, Italy. Venice is deserted because of COVID-19, yesterday, March 5, a third person died in the city due to the COVID-19 virus. The latest Civil Protection bulletin talks about 3,858 COVID-19 positives, 148 people died and 414 have recovered in Italy. (Photo by Stefano Mazzola/Awakening/Getty Images)VENICE, ITALY – MARCH 9: A canal and the roads next to it are seen completely empty on March 9, 2020 in Venice, Italy. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced a „national emergency” due to the coronavirus outbreak and imposed quarantines on the Lombardy and Veneto regions, which contain roughly a quarter of the country’s population. Italy has the highest number of cases and fatalities in Europe. The movements in and out are allowed only for work reasons, health reasons proven by a medical certificate. The justifications for the movements needs to be certified with a self-declaration by filling in forms provided by the police forces in charge of the checks. (Photo by Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images)A restaurant promoter waits for customers at the largely empty Chinatown as tourism takes a decline due to the coronavirus outbreak in Singapore February 21, 2020. Picture taken February 21, 2020. REUTERS/Edgar Su – RC2FBF94BPKWMELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – MARCH 4, 2020: A man looks for toilet paper in an Australian supermarket after panic buying due to the Corona Virus- PHOTOGRAPH BY Chris Putnam / Barcroft Studios / Future Publishing (Photo credit should read Chris Putnam/Barcroft Media via Getty Images)An aerial photo shows unused tourist buses parked on a lot near Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok on March 8, 2020. – Ranks of tourist buses idle under a burning sun while once-bustling theme parks lie empty. from above, striking images reveal the hollowing out of Thai tourism due to fears of the new coronavirus. (Photo by Mladen ANTONOV / AFP) (Photo by MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP via Getty Images)VATICAN CITY, VATICAN – MARCH 8: A view of empty chairs at St Peter’s Square before the live-broadcasting of Pope Francis’ Sunday Angelus prayer during the Coronavirus emergency, on March 8, 2020 in Vatican City, Vatican. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced the closure of the Italian region of Lombardy in an attempt to stop the ongoing coronavirus epidemic in the Italian country. The number of confirmed cases of the Coronavirus COVID-19 disease in Italy has jumped up to at least 5,883, while the death toll has surpassed 230. (Photo by Antonio Masiello/Getty Images)FILE PHOTO: An empty canal is seen after the spread of coronavirus has caused a decline in the number of tourists in Venice, Italy, March 1, 2020. REUTERS/Manuel Silvestri/File Photo – RC24DF9HUYZ9A man stands behind a menu stand at an empty restaurant at Piazza Navona, after the government decree to close schools, cinemas. and urge people to work from home and not stand closer than one metre to each other in Rome, Italy, March 5, 2020. REUTERS/Yara Nardi – RC2ODF9T1V5ZVENICE, ITALY – MARCH 9: A completely empty San Marco Square is seen on March 9, 2020 in Venice, Italy. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced a „national emergency” due to the coronavirus outbreak and imposed quarantines on the Lombardy and Veneto regions, which contain roughly a quarter of the country’s population. Italy has the highest number of cases and fatalities in Europe. The movements in and out are allowed only for work reasons, health reasons proven by a medical certificate. The justifications for the movements needs to be certified with a self-declaration by filling in forms provided by the police forces in charge of the checks. (Photo by Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images)Soccer Football – Europa League – Round of 32 Second Leg – Inter Milan v Ludogorets – San Siro, Milan, Italy – February 27, 2020. The teams line up before the match in an empty stadium after fans were not allowed in over coronavirus fears Emilio Andreoli/Pool via Reuters TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – RC2O9F92T4X1TOKYO, JAPAN – FEBRUARY 26 2020 Virus frightens visitors at Japan’s shopping district of Ginza. Image of empty street in the heart of the luxury hub of the capital. – PHOTOGRAPH BY Massimo Rumi / Barcroft Studios / Future Publishing (Photo credit should read Massimo Rumi/Barcroft Media via Getty Images)
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Marturii din Italia:
Mărturia unui medic de la spitalul din Bergamo arată situația disperată în care se găsește sistemul sanitar din Italia. Medicii abia pot face față cazurilor de coronavirus, astfel că celelalte urgențe sunt mult neglijate. ”În mod normal, în cazul unui apel pentru un infarct, se intervenea în câteva minute. Acum e posibil să aștepți chiar și o oră sau mai mult”, spune pentru Corriere della Sera medicul Christian Salaroli.
„Am văzut infirmieri cu experiență de 30 de ani care plâng pe la colțuri” Medicul încearcă în interviu să combată și opinia potrivit căreia pacienții nu mor din cauza Covid-19, ci de alte boli pe care le au. „Cei care spun că nu se moare efectiv de coronavirus spun o prostie care mă întristează. Nici nu arată respect față de persoanele care au murit. Mor de Covid-19 pentru că în forma critică în care se află, pneumonia interstițială se alătură celorlalte probleme respiratorii și bolnavul nu reușește să mai lupte. Decesul este cauzat de virus, nu de altceva”, e clar medicul.
Citeşte întreaga ştire: Un medic din Italia mărturisește că aleg pacienții pentru că nu au locuri: „Încercăm să salvăm doar ce se poate salva”